What File Types Can Corel Draw Save

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Saving drawings

By default, drawings are saved to the CorelDRAW file format (CDR) and are compatible with the latest version of the application. You can also save a drawing that is compatible with an earlier version of CorelDRAW Graphics Suite.

You can save a drawing to other vector file formats as well. If you want to use a drawing in another application, you must save it to a file format that is supported by that application. For information about saving files to other formats, see Exporting files.

When you save a drawing, CorelDRAW lets you add reference information so that you can easily find and organize drawings later on. On Windows 7 and Windows Vista, you can attach tags (also known as properties) such as title, subject, and rating. On Windows XP, you can assign notes and keywords to a drawing.

You can also save selected objects in a drawing. For large drawings, saving only the selected objects reduces the file size, which can decrease the time it takes to load the drawing.

When saving a file, you can use advanced options to control how bitmaps, textures, and vector effects, such as blends and extrusions, are saved with the drawing.

You can also save a drawing as a template, which lets you create other drawings with the same properties. For information about saving a drawing as a template, see Working with templates.

To save a drawing Back to Top


Click File Save as.


Type a filename in the File name list box.


Locate the folder where you want to save the file.

If you want to save the drawing to a vector file format other than CorelDRAW (CDR), choose a file format from the Save as type list box.

You can also

Save only selected objects

With objects selected, click File Save as, and enable the Selected only check box. Locate the folder where you want to save the file, type a filename in the File name list box, and click Save.

Add reference information (Windows 7 and Windows Vista)

Do any of the following:

Type a title, subject, tag, comment, author, or revision number in the corresponding box.

Assign a rating to the file.

Add copyright information.

Save notes or keywords with the file (Windows XP)

Type notes or keywords in the corresponding box.

If you are using an expired trial version of CorelDRAW, you will not be able to save drawings.

Saving a drawing to a previous version of CorelDRAW may result in loss of certain effects that were not available in the previous version of the application.

You can also save a drawing by clicking File Save.

You can also save a drawing by clicking the Save button on the Standard toolbar.

To use advanced options when saving Back to Top


Click File Save as.


Enable any of the following check boxes:

Save presentation exchange — saves a drawing as a Corel Presentations Exchange (CMX) file so that you can open and edit it in other Corel applications, such as WordPerfect

Use bitmap compression — reduces the file size by compressing bitmap effects, such as bitmap extrusions, transparencies, and drop shadows

Use graphic object compression — reduces the file size by compressing vector objects, such as polygons, rectangles, ellipses, and perfect shapes

Using compression increases the time required for opening and saving a drawing.


If a drawing contains texture fills, enable one of the following options:

Save textures with the file — saves custom texture fills with the file

Rebuild textures when opening a file — re-creates texture fills when you open the saved drawing


If a drawing contains blends and extrusions, enable one of the following options:

Save blends and extrudes with the file — saves all blends and extrusions included in a drawing

Rebuild blends and extrudes when opening the file — re-creates blends and extrusions when you open the saved drawing

Choosing to save textures, blends, and extrusions with the file increases the file size but lets you open and save a drawing more quickly. Conversely, choosing to rebuild textures, blends, and extrusions when a saved drawing is opened decreases the file size but increases the time required for saving or opening a drawing.

To save a drawing that is compatible with an older version of CorelDRAW Back to Top


Click File Save as.


Type a filename in the File name list box.


Locate the folder where you want to save the file.


Choose a version from the Version list box.

If the drawing includes text, enable one of the following options from the Save to a previous version dialog box:

Keep text appearance — Converts text to curves so it displays correctly when opened in a previous version of CorelDRAW. However, the text is no longer editable.

Keep text editable — Preserves text so it remains editable. However, this option may change the appearance and flow of text when opened in a previous version of CorelDRAW.

Copyright 2012 Corel Corporation. All rights reserved.

What File Types Can Corel Draw Save

Source: http://product.corel.com/help/CorelDRAW/540240626/Main/EN/Doc/CorelDRAW-Saving-drawings.html#:~:text=By%20default%2C%20drawings%20are%20saved,vector%20file%20formats%20as%20well.

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